A Total Wealth Mortgage outlines several mortgage scenarios so you can determine which one not only works for your current situation, but also aligns with your long-term goals.

People Need Professional Debt Management
It’s common understanding that people should hire a professional Financial Advisor to help them make smart financial decisions, yet they trust 50% or more of their financial picture to someone who works for the very corporations that are tasked with taking their money. A mortgage is the single largest indebtedness that you will ever undertake so it’s vitally important to make sure that the product you are in compliments your financial strategy. A great retirement starts with proper planning, discipline, and proactively monitoring your progress to make sure you always remain on track to reach your goals. Our job really begins AFTER your loan funds because market conditions and personal lives are dynamic, often requiring an adjustment to your debt structure or mortgage product. Our consistent, strategic advice and service is why we receive most of our clients by referrals from Financial Professionals, Accountants, and Lawyers.